Sector No 04, Housing Board, Jhunjhunu 333001



    01592-236291, 9414083291

Principal's Desk


I welcome you all to this great institution of higher learning and assure you of a nurturing and caring environment that will see all of you blossom into empowered and sensitive human beings

The Institute has the privilege of having a healthy, harmonious ambience and rich values which have played pivotal role in shaping the future of innumerable students. Our mission is to transform students into rational thinkers, competent workers, law abiding citizens and spiritually enlightened individuals. This college belief that the rich values and traditions imbibed here would carry you to greater heights.

We believe in maintaining high academic and behavioral standards which are challenging yet attainable. The ideals of fair play, social interaction and competiveness are also encouraged. Our students are respected as individuals who have distinct personalities, abilities and talents. Gradually, we through recognition and encouragement of these unique qualities, they develop self discipline and competence in an atmosphere which allows them freedom of movement and choice in a safe and nurturing environment.